I've got just a few things from the new round of Collabor88 to share with you today.
My skin is Glam Affair's 'Sia' which is available in four tones, America, Arctic, Jamaica and Pearl and six make up choices with five brow options. I'm wearing make up 01 in the America tone.
Teefy's 'Sonia' dress is available in fifteen colour choices and includes an add on frill sleeves and harness.
Maitreya's 'Gold Zest' shoes are available in nine colours and include two versions of the shoes (Maitreya mesh feet and SLink high feet) The shoes are hud driven heel/sole/ankle strap colour change and you are able to toggle the ankle strap on/off via the hud too.
Also worn:
- Earrings - Mabon Night Flower - Maxi Gossamer@Collabor88
- Cigarette - Mahalia Cigarette - La Gyo@Collabor88
- Skull Bracelet - Eternal Life Bracelet - Yummy@Collabor88
- Eyes - Perspective Eyes - Frost Bite - Ikon
- Hands - AE Mesh -Elegant & Flat - SLink
- Feet - AE Mesh High - SLink
- Nails - Basics Nail Polish - Dark & Monochrome (add on for SLink hands/feet)- Adore&Abhor
On location at Vivenda del Tango
Thank you :)
Asia out x